Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why Are You Gone

For My Mom

Why are you gone?
Why did you leave?
Did God need you more, or
Did Satan, to me deceive.

For many nights
From so long ago
I just could not rest
Dying just to hold you.
And whisper how I love and miss you so.

Not much has changed
Over many years
My good times and my few triumphs
I have dedicated to you.
From my blood, sweat, and tears.

Often, on those times I suceed
I look to the skies
And in a strange sort of way
I see you look down with those motherly eyes.

True it is.
There's this void in my life.
It's been you I've missed
Through the toils and the strife.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Twilight Zone At The Hermitage

Twilight Zone at the Hermitage
written by Joe F. Moore Jr. July 3, 2004

A few weeks ago, I wrote of Joseph and I making a trip to Nashville. Well on one of the days there, we decided to take a tour of the Hermitage. When we got to the mansion itself and went in for the tour, we were guided through each section of the house.
I made a remark to the last guide we met there that Elizabeth Petty Dodson Moore, who is my third great grandmother, had a uncle Timothy Dodson who lived near the Hermitage and happened to be good friends with Andrew Jackson. I told him that I had been informed by the historical Department at the Hermitage that Timothy had been a pall bearer at the funeral of Andrew Jackson.
He got a funny look on his face and told me that we had picked an odd day to come for a visit and I asked him why was that. He informed me that 169 years to the day was the day the President had been laid to rest. The day of his funeral. Well you could imagine how strange a feeling that must have been when we got that news. I was waiting on Rod Serling to walk around the corner any minute. Our trip had been an unplanned, spur of the moment event and especially the decision to come the Hermitage.
Wonder what the odds of our being there on such an anniversary. DODODODODODODODO! It was like we had been called to be there that day. All I know is I will never forget that experience. Ever!